Daniel Allen
Daniel was given his first camera (a Russian Zenit) when he was 8, joined a camera club at 10, built his first darkroom at 11 and has been a passionate image maker ever since. Originally from the UK Daniel has made New Zealand his home where he runs a full service studio and post production facility from his Nelson base.
Shooting throughout New Zealand and the Asia Pacific regions Daniel has a wealth of experience either stepping off the plane and getting the job done or turning up to the studio ready for a days graft.
When he’s not looking through a viewfinder Daniel is a passionate gardener, an aficionado of antiquities and ancient cultures, enjoys a good espresso martini and loves to travel.
Photo: Daniel on location in Vanuatu 2020.
1986. Daniel’s bedroom.
At age 11 Daniel’s father bought him his first enlarger, the Zenith UPA5M.
In James Bond fashion it all screwed together from out of a briefcase.
Daniel was hooked.
36 years later that passion is still growing strong…